Juliets Journal

A Journal – How Life Feels Living With a Narcissist Abuser

Juliets Journal

Juliets Journal


Juliets Journal tells the story of what is feels like to live with an abuser when you don’t know that you are being abused. I met him when I was just 16 and married when I was 21.

Written from 2003 to 2007 this is my heartfelt story of  life with an abuser.

My blog uses my first hand experiences and my Journal entries  to inform and educate myself and others on why abusers abuse, why they chose us and how to move on and thrive after years under the coercive control of another.

Read the typed version here.


juliets journal
juliets journal hand written

Read the Original  Handwritten Version


The original Journal in my own handwriting is available to read.

I typed the Journal to make it easier to read.

